Sunday, August 12, 2012

Apps Review

First, the review of think free office.  The application that I downloaded on my phone, allowed me to work on word processing while I was away, that I can now transfer onto my computer.  I did not know of the web storage portion of this cloud experience until reviewing it for this class.  I downloaded this app at the beginning of the summer simply so I could view word documents from my school email. This allows flexibility and productivity in a situation where it may not otherwise be available.

Fotoflexer was another useful photo editing software.  It was impressive to  me how this site could "cloud" with other photo websites we explored earlier on. With the advantage of seamlessly sharing content between photobooks and this editing software for free, educators have a solid website in fotoflexer.  The EZ collage feature really lends itself to visual projects in history also.  With this function it could be used to design persuasive posters, or thematic art universally.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Simple Web Page

Link to Simple Web Page

I made a simple web page that I will add to once the school year gets started.  I left out pictures from previous dances, fundraisers and even student government video applications due to privacy issues I wanted to get ok'd by the principal.  When I get those permissions I will then post it with my real students, and give an example video application and the packet they need to fill out to apply for student council.  This will be a useful way to apply these webpages because students will be able to post the work we have done and parents will know what upcoming fundraisers we have on the calendar.  I also included the riddles gadget to just stimulate thought at the beginning of our meetings and promote teamwork.

Concept Map for Position Analysis

This concept map is similar to ones that I use in my classroom when we work on the G.L.C.E. that relates to public policy issues. For this expectation they are required to identify, discuss, analyze and defend a public policy issue. This map is generic because it can be used to analyze any public policy issue. What it will do is allow them to process any previous notes they took, discussions/debates they heard, news clips they watch, etc. and process them into a flow map organizer. What this teaches them to do is to identify a position on the issue, mold that into a position statement and subsequently give points and refutations to the other side's claims and points. The next to last step that they will have to do is use a core democratic value or C.D.V. as support for their argument or to prove the other side violates this C.D.V. At the beginning and end will be summary boxes so that they can summarize their position into a concluding statement that is approximately one paragraph. Summarizing a main idea with two main points is a skill we are working on as a building as it has been a problem on standardized tests in our inventory analyses.

**DISCLAIMER**- I made this large so that it could be seen, just hold ctrl and hit - if its too large for your browser, ctrl plus + will zoom back in for you.