Final Synthesis Project-"Concerned Citizens"

  1. Fill in the type 1 writing 
  2. Take notes on various perspectives as you view the videos 
  3. Fill in storyboard organizer 
  4. Complete a rough draft for the persuasive flyer assignment.

(Click on LANCER Notes to open document)
Assignment Handout

"Power of Small Introduction of Scenarios"

"Power of Small-Nano Chips-Tagging Dad"

"Power of Small-The All Knowing Train Station"

"Power of Small-The World is Watching"


What is Nano?

Google Map Assignment

Instructions: Using the knowledge that you have now after viewing these clips in class and/or reviewing them. as well as having your notes and assignments filled in.

  • Please think of 2 places you could identify in Kalamazoo where Nanocameras and sensors could run 24/7 that would be positive and make you feel more secure, upholding for example, justice or common good...

  • Then, think of 2 places you could identify in Kalamazoo where Nanocameras and sensors could not run 24/7 and would be negative and for example make you feel your liberty or 4th amendment rights would be violated.

Mr. Warner's Map--Nobody should spy on a golf swing this broke.  :) 

View Nanotechnology Mapping in a larger map

***When you are done with the map assignment, save it to your S:Drive.

***Once you are done with this assignment, you will either do: 1.) a paper final draft of a propaganda poster you could display in your
neighborhood, community center, etc. that either promotes or dissents the use of nano-cameras and sensors. 

Or you will:

 2.) create a powerpoint presentation you could present to your 

neighborhood, community center, etc. that either promotes or 

dissents the use of nano-cameras and sensors.

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