Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dan Carlin--"Common Sense"

The above link will take you directly to the podcast of a political commentator named Dan Carlin.  As a social studies teacher you have to be well aware of the social analysis of our times.  While his commentary is maybe a bit abrasive for many, it does make one think about "what's going on" in the words of Marvin Gaye.  While it would be a site not really applicable to middle schoolers, it is something I think all adult citizens in this great nation should listen to.  This particular podcast is about the idea of "liberty" and if people are aware at all and not simple seduced by politicians rhetoric or social hypnosis, they will realize our American Dream is faltering.  Whether you look at unemployment, government dependence, or just analyzing how "people feel", it is apparent things are not at a peak point in history for our nation.  The values and ethos of our people is changing and not what made that American Dream possible.  We have been "spoiled" in a sense, comparatively speaking to many other nations and Carlin is trying to awaken people. The central idea in this podcast is the preamble's notion that "we the people" are supposed to be influencing and directing the government, not the other way around where government controls, regulates, and determines how we live on such a micro level!

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